OOTD: Business Casual

Posted on Mar 9, 2015

Hey everyone! Back from my hiatus!
Brief update: I was sick for about three weeks, I'm currently on Spring Break, and I turned 21 not too long ago. I wore this outfit during the beginning of the spring semester to a job fair on campus. I'll be posting another outfit tonight :).

Burnt Orange Button Up | Forever 21
White Blazer | Rose Wholesale
Black Jeans | Boohoo
Laptop Bag | Kohl's 
Black Booties | Ross
Necklace | Forever 21
  1. Nice casual look, I love the pants and blazer. Happy belated birthday.

    Princess Audu

  2. Your outfit is so cute! I am totally in love with that bag!
    I can't wait to hit up Kohl's the next time I'm out!
